“How High Performing Leaders Prevent Burnout”

Burnout is not new. 

Herbert Freudenberg, a psychologist had coined burnout in the 1970s as the consequence of severe stress from work ideals. 

The WHO ( World Health Organisation ) recognised burnout as an occupational phenomenon and is working with organisations to develop burnout prevention strategies. 

Clearly during the course of the pandemic, work stress has increased significantly. This is due to additional SOP adjustments for work, increased stress of working from home while managing family simultaneously and increased anxiety over health concerns. 

W.H.O. (World Health Organisation) Studies

The recent WHO studies reveals the effects on health and mortality is on the rise, with more than 615 million workers experiencing depression and anxiety, costing organisations a drop of productivity of USD1 trillion annually from their global workforce. It is estimated that 1 out of two people are experiencing burnout - consciously or otherwise. 

In contrast, the same study indicated 61% of business leaders are thriving during this period. It begs the question :- 

  • How do high performing leaders prevent burnout and thrive ?
  • What are the key differences on how business leaders think to continuously sustain high performance, be smarter and live happier lives?
  • Can you learn and apply the same to live happier and healthier lives?

In this session we will illustrate the methodology of Proctor Gallagher Institute USA 50 years research into human thinking and conditioning. 

PGI Institute's practical and simple methodology is applied by top leaders, founders and politicians around the world to create extraordinary success.

  How High Performing Leaders Prevent Burnout
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