A Future of We, and Less of Me - Innovating Corporate Social Partnerships


Through discussing the founding of The Best of You, an initiative about appreciation, this session focuses on how appreciative storytelling is crucial for building a compassionate and cohesive community. Community after all is only possible because of the mutual obligations between citizens. Sharing our stories and listening closely to the stories of others and appreciating the circumstances and lives of each other strengthen those mutual obligations, and in turn enrich our community bonds.  


In so doing, the session aims to discuss the problems inherent in concepts of the self-managing enterprising individual, promoted and prevalent across business and management thinking i.e. “me” and shifts the focus onto a broader collective i.e. “we”. 

Speaker :

Mr Sai Tzy Horng, Director, Julie's Biscuits Bhd


Speaker - Mr Sai Tzy Horng, Director, Julie's Biscuits

Sai Tzy Horng is a Director at Julie’s Biscuits, a household name of biscuit and confectionery across Southeast Asia. Julie’s Biscuits has recently gone through an extensive rebranding campaign, led by Sai. Vocationally trained as an Educational Psychologist, Sai is also the founder of The Best of You movement, a social responsibility initiative about appreciative storytelling. Started in 2014, The Best of You movement takes a multi-modal approach in appreciative storytelling, particularly focusing on telling the stories of marginalised communities in a bid to educate for social justice and diversity. In his free time, he enjoys reading, gymming and playing tennis.

Company intro:

Started humbly in 1985 with just one oven and wafer roll line each, our factory has grown awesomely big over the years with more production lines created that it now sits on a 2ha land. Julie’s brand presence is in European markets and Wal-Mart outlets, and holds various health and safety accreditations.

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